Advocacy for Those Exposed to Asbestos Schedule a Free Consultation
Sign reads, Warning Asbestos

Understanding Asbestos-Related Cancers

Asbestos was one of the most popular building materials in the United States for decades.  

Despite widespread warnings from the Environmental Protection Agency dating as far back as 1977, between 1-1.5 million Americans still suffer daily asbestos exposure in the workplace.  

Unfortunately, this widespread and consistent exposure often leads to the development of painful, frightening, and debilitating cancers like various mesotheliomas, as well as lung, larynx, and ovary cancers. When this occurs, individuals may be entitled to compensation from the employer responsible for their asbestos exposure.  

If you've received a cancer diagnosis in Grand Forks, Minot, Bismarck, or Fargo, North Dakota, and believe it may be related to long-term or recurring exposure to asbestos in workplaces, contact David C. Thompson, P.C., today to discover your options for recovering compensation. Attorney David C. Thompson has the knowledge, practice, and resources to assist your specific situation while keeping your best interests in mind.  

Factors that Determine Your Risk  

Not everyone that is exposed to asbestos will develop lung, throat, or ovary cancers. Certain factors increase the risk of developing an illness. These same factors can also be used to determine the level of culpability your employer may be facing for your exposure.  

Factors commonly accepted to affect the risk experienced during asbestos exposure include: 

  • The dose of asbestos the individual was exposed to. 

  • The amount of time an individual was exposed to asbestos.  

  • The frequency of asbestos exposure. 

  • The size, shape, and chemical structure of the asbestos fibers in question. 

  • The source of the asbestos exposure. 

  • Individual genetic factors, like germline mutations. 

  • And individual risk factors like smoking or pre-existing respiratory illnesses. 

Gaining a clear understanding of how each of these factors relates to your unique case can help you gauge the culpability of the parties responsible for your cancer-causing asbestos exposure. Also, this can be an invaluable tool when deciding whether you want to pursue legal recourse. 

When to See Your Doctor   

It's vital to visit a doctor as soon as you notice symptoms potentially related to asbestos-caused cancers.  

Common symptoms of cancers caused by asbestos exposure include painful coughing, shortness of breath, abdominal pain and swelling, nausea or unexpected weight loss, chest pain, and unusual lumps of tissue on the chest. Individuals suffering from larynx or ovary cancers may experience persistently sore throats, painful coughs, difficulty swallowing, weight loss, and loss of appetite. 

If you notice any of these symptoms, it is imperative to visit a doctor for a comprehensive check-up. Visiting your doctor at the first sign of trouble can help you mount an early response to developing cancer, increasing the odds of success of popular treatments like chemotherapy.  

Your Right to Take Action  

If you've suffered a cancer diagnosis due to asbestos exposure in the workplace and are now suffering a loss of income, climbing medical bills, or reduced quality of life, you have a right to take action.  

There are two routes individuals can pursue when seeking a settlement related to illnesses caused by asbestos exposure: workers' compensation and a personal injury claim.  

Each option presents a host of advantages and disadvantages for individuals suffering from workplace-related illnesses, so it's important to discuss your options with an attorney with strong experience and hard-earned expertise in asbestos and hazardous chemical exposure cases before deciding which route you'll take.  

Workers’ Compensation  

Individuals regularly exposed to asbestos in the workplace may be able to file a workers' compensation claim against their employer.  

Workers' compensation claims can help individuals suffering from the consequences of long-term asbestos exposure access benefits and funds that improve their quality of life but may fall short of a complete solution due to workers' compensation caps and budget rollbacks.  

Workers' compensation also provides no protections or reimbursement for indirect costs or pain and suffering, which leads many individuals to opt to file a personal injury claim. 

Personal Injury Claim  

Personal injury claims oftentimes provide a better path to fair compensation for negligent exposure to cancer-causing asbestos in the workplace than workers' compensation claims.  

Personal injury claims empower juries to award monetary damages for loss of income, medical expenses, pain and suffering, indirect costs, and loss of consortium. Juries in personal injury cases can also elect to award punitive damages or additional compensation awarded to the victim with the goal of discouraging the offending party from similar behaviors in the future. 

Trusted Guidance When You Need it Most  

If you suspect your cancer has been caused by exposure to asbestos, reach out to Attorney David C. Thompson today. He is ready and willing to leverage his almost 40 years of experience representing individuals dealing with the fall-out from asbestos and chemical exposure to help you seek fair compensation for your injuries, illness, and reduced quality of life.   

Attorney David C. Thompson is proud to provide individuals dealing with asbestos-related cancers in Minot, Bismarck, Fargo, and Grand Forks, North Dakota. Call today to secure your entirely free consultation